Friday, 15. May 2020
Kapha Types In Ayurveda
In Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine, there are three main body types, or doshas, that are believed to govern physical and mental processes: vata, pitta, and kapha. Each...
How To Cure Vata Pitta Dosha
According to Ayurveda, Vata-Pitta dosha is a combination of the two doshas, Vata and Pitta. Vata is responsible for movement and Pitta is responsible for metabolism and transformation. When these...
Sunday, 10. May 2020
Pitta Type Diet
In Ayurvedic medicine, the pitta dosha is one of three elemental energies that are believed to govern the body and mind. People with a predominance of the pitta dosha are...
Saturday, 09. May 2020
Pitta Dosha In Hindi
Pitta dosha होता है एक हेल्थ ब्लान्स जो हमारे शरीर में होने वाले होटनीज़ और जननित्र होमोस्टाइज़ के माध्यम से नियंत्रित होता है। इसे भारतीय आयुर्वेद में विष्णु दोष भी...
Thursday, 07. May 2020
Vata Dosha Pitta Dosha Kapha Dosha
In Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine from India, there are three main constitutional types, or doshas, that are believed to govern the physical and mental characteristics of a person....
Kapha Dosha In Love
In Ayurveda, the kapha dosha is associated with the elements of earth and water, and is characterized by qualities of stability, nourishment, and structure. People with a predominant kapha dosha...
Tuesday, 05. May 2020
Vata Pitta O Kapha
In Ayurveda, vata, pitta, and kapha are the three doshas, or principles that govern physiological and psychological processes in the body. Each person is believed to have a unique combination...
Monday, 04. May 2020
Pitta Prakriti In Ayurveda
In the Ayurvedic system of medicine, the concept of prakriti refers to an individual's unique constitutional type, which is determined by the balance of the three doshas: vata, pitta, and...
Saturday, 02. May 2020
Pitta Dosha Symptoms In Hindi
पित्त दोष (Pitta Dosha) में आमतौर पर निम्नलिखित लक्षण दिखाई दिए जाते हैं: तंजगी या धब्बे का अनुभव: पित्त दोष में शरीर में सुख्खियां महसूस होती हैं जैसे कि तंजगी...
Food To Reduce Pitta: Balancing Your Pitta Dosha with Ayurveda
Are you looking to balance your pitta dosha and maintain optimal health according to Ayurveda? If so, you've come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore...