Sunday, 12. April 2020
How To Reduce Pitta Dosha Naturally
If you've been feeling irritable, overheated, or experiencing digestive issues, it might be a sign of excess Pitta Dosha in your body. Pitta Dosha, one of the three doshas in...
Foods To Increase Pitta
According to Ayurveda, pitta is one of the three doshas, or constitutional types, that make up an individual's unique constitution. It is associated with heat, metabolism, and digestion, and is...
Saturday, 11. April 2020
Kapha Prakriti Diet
In Ayurveda, prakriti refers to an individual's unique constitution or physical and mental characteristics, which are determined at birth and remain constant throughout life. It is believed that there are...
Friday, 10. April 2020
Vata Treatment In Ayurveda
Vata is one of the three doshas in Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system of India. The vata dosha is associated with movement, including physical and mental activity, and is said...
Wednesday, 08. April 2020
Medicine For Pitta In Ayurvedic
In Ayurveda, pitta is one of the three doshas, or constitutional types, that represent a person's unique combination of physical and psychological characteristics. People with a predominant pitta dosha are...
Tuesday, 07. April 2020
How To Decrease Kapha Dosha
To decrease Kapha dosha, you can try the following recommendations: Engage in regular physical activity: Regular exercise can help reduce excess Kapha in the body and balance the Kapha dosha....
Monday, 06. April 2020
Kapha Diet Example Meal Plans
A kapha-balancing diet is intended to support the digestive and immune systems, reduce excess weight and congestion, and promote feelings of lightness and clarity. Here is an example of a...
Saturday, 04. April 2020
Food For Pitta Body Type
Are you someone with a fiery disposition, often experiencing heat and intensity in both body and mind? Do you have a strong metabolism, prone to irritability and digestive issues when...
Thursday, 02. April 2020
Vata Pitta Balance Medicine
In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine system of India, vata, pitta, and kapha are the three doshas, or constitutional types, that are believed to govern the physical and mental characteristics of...
Wednesday, 01. April 2020
Banyan Botanicals Kapha Diet
The Banyan Botanicals Kapha Diet is a dietary approach that is based on the principles of Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine that aims to promote balance and health...